Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! Wednesday came with the first snow of the year, and the first snow for our house. Thankfully we don't own the house yet so I don't have to shovel the DRIVEWAY yet. That's right, the only thing we weren't sure was going to go in before the winter really came is done. The driveway got poured Monday afternoon. Garage floor was in last weekend, and the basement floor is done as well. I'm pretty sure that means all the concrete work is done. And you can also see the garage door is in.

Other new pieces include wiring, gas line for the dryer, and light fixtures.
Also of note, we bought our fridge, washer and dryer Sunday. Hadn't really planned to but Lowes has 10% off all appliances, plus $100 gift card and free delivery. We got everything for well less than we planned on.
I think the stonework is the next to happen, and pretty sure the interior drywall work will begin shortly.