as promised long ago - the birth story is completed and posted on the blog. it is back with the october posts, to keep things in order and also to spare anyone who does NOT want the details from having to read it!
Friday, February 16, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
special visit
valentines day fun in the snow!
while i was taking my nap mama heard the sound of snow shovels in the driveway - turns out our neighbors RC and ross were shoveling ALL the driveways in the looked like a lot of fun outside so when i woke up mama put me in my snowsuit....
we went outside and it was pretty cold and windy - but i wanted to try out my penguin sled so here i am!
i think ross thought we were crazy - i didn't get to ride in the sled because mama was afraid i would tip over if she pulled me....

MAMA!!! its too bright out here - can you please take me back inside???
i think we were outside for about 3 minutes - but lots of valentines fun!!!!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
what's jack been up to?
taking baths -he is just starting to kick his legs and splash a little bit!
wearing a hat to church- usually he is an "inferno baby" he is so hot, but these freezing temperatures require a hat for the little ears....
reading with mama - and using her arm as a footrest!
bundling up for a trip to the doctors office - he has a little infection on his head that we had to get checked out!
laughing in his swing! look at that fuzzy hair sticking straight up!!!
snuggling with grandma when she came to visit!
hanging out in his bouncy seat!
right now he is laying on his blanket trying to imitate daddy - he has rolled over a few more times, and is constantly making funny loud noises as he finds his voice!!! it is SO much fun being jack's parents (:
"S" is for soap....
jack loves his baths and is very good! he always sits still and looks at everything - we got out his cookie monster washcloth which he STARED at during the entire bath. 
he is very good at imitating and always sticks his tongue out at me - he also tries to blow bubbles and it sounds hilarious (:
when i am trying to dry him off he grabs the towel and shoves it in his mouth!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
another furry friend
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
It was a typical Tuesday...
Until about 4 a.m. that is. Jack had been sleeping pretty regularly from his bedtime (about 8:30 p.m.) until at least 6 a.m, sometimes later, without waking up. Not so this day. At 4 a.m., he was up. We managed to get him back to sleep a couple times, but finally at 5:50 a.m. mom had to feed him, a full hour earlier than his scheduled time.
That was just the first of what was a crazy day in the Lozen household. I was feeling pretty wiped out and blah, so I called in and stayed home. Turns out God had a reason for me to be home this day. Here's a running diary from 9 a.m. until about 1 p.m.:
9 a.m. - I got up, jumped in on a conference call for work, and did some other work while listening.
10 a.m. - Jack goes down for his morning nap.
10:05 a.m. - Jack's not asleep.
10:10 a.m. - Jack. Still not sleeping.
10:20 a.m. - Rinse and repeat.
10:30 a.m. - Amy and I decide that the rash/cradle cap on Jack's head needs to be looked at. There were a few tiny cuts in it, and it had started to be wet at times. We make an 12 noon appointment. By the way, not sleeping.
11 a.m. - I'm in the shower, Jack's in his bouncy seat in the bathroom with me. Never took his nap.
11:10 a.m. we decide to leave for the doctor right then to let Jack get a nap in the car before his 12 noon appointment.
11:15 a.m. - Two phones ringing, Jack asking for attention, Amy heading out to start the car. I answer the call from my insurance company while holding Jack.
11:16 a.m. - We have a problem. Seems all this below-zero temperature had penetrated our garage. Our garage is where we store bottled water, and diet coke. Can you see where this is headed?
11:25 a.m. - Amy finally heads out with Jack. We drove separate because she had another appointment in the afternoon. I head to the garage to survey the damage.
11:26 a.m. - Four coke cans had exploded. One had split from top to bottom along the side. One had completely blown the top off. That top was lying on the ground a clear 8 feet from the can it came from. The other two just cracked. The result, frozen coke all over the garage, mainly on my car. Diet Coke had managed to shoot from the front of the garage all the way to my rear window, a good nine feet at least.
11:30-11:40 - I'm sweeping frozen coke out of the garage, trying to sort the good cans from the ruined ones.
11:45 - I'm finally on the road.
12-1 p.m - We're in the doctor's office. Vital stats: 12 pounds, 13.5 ounces. 25 inches long. All looks good there. Doctor prescribes a cream for Jack's head. At 1 p.m. I head home with Jack.
And that was just three hours! Things slowed down then, Jack took a good long nap, and Amy came home just before his 4 p.m. feeding.
Before we continue, let me take you to last night. I come home from work, Jack's on his blanket having tummy time. Amy's making some mac and cheese. I look at Jack, he's wiggling around on his belly. I look at Amy to talk to her. I look back at Jack, he's on his back! Huh????
Seems Jack rolled over for the first time, and we missed it. We had a feeling this was coming soon, and sure enough, it did. Attempts to repeat the act were unsuccessful Monday night.
Back to Tuesday. We're having tummy time again, and this time, we're ready for it. Sure enough, he did it again. I grabbed the video camera and captured the action. See the above post for the footage.
So we have a mobile baby now it seems. Things could start to get really interesting around here.
That was just the first of what was a crazy day in the Lozen household. I was feeling pretty wiped out and blah, so I called in and stayed home. Turns out God had a reason for me to be home this day. Here's a running diary from 9 a.m. until about 1 p.m.:
9 a.m. - I got up, jumped in on a conference call for work, and did some other work while listening.
10 a.m. - Jack goes down for his morning nap.
10:05 a.m. - Jack's not asleep.
10:10 a.m. - Jack. Still not sleeping.
10:20 a.m. - Rinse and repeat.
10:30 a.m. - Amy and I decide that the rash/cradle cap on Jack's head needs to be looked at. There were a few tiny cuts in it, and it had started to be wet at times. We make an 12 noon appointment. By the way, not sleeping.
11 a.m. - I'm in the shower, Jack's in his bouncy seat in the bathroom with me. Never took his nap.
11:10 a.m. we decide to leave for the doctor right then to let Jack get a nap in the car before his 12 noon appointment.
11:15 a.m. - Two phones ringing, Jack asking for attention, Amy heading out to start the car. I answer the call from my insurance company while holding Jack.
11:16 a.m. - We have a problem. Seems all this below-zero temperature had penetrated our garage. Our garage is where we store bottled water, and diet coke. Can you see where this is headed?
11:25 a.m. - Amy finally heads out with Jack. We drove separate because she had another appointment in the afternoon. I head to the garage to survey the damage.
11:26 a.m. - Four coke cans had exploded. One had split from top to bottom along the side. One had completely blown the top off. That top was lying on the ground a clear 8 feet from the can it came from. The other two just cracked. The result, frozen coke all over the garage, mainly on my car. Diet Coke had managed to shoot from the front of the garage all the way to my rear window, a good nine feet at least.
11:30-11:40 - I'm sweeping frozen coke out of the garage, trying to sort the good cans from the ruined ones.
11:45 - I'm finally on the road.
12-1 p.m - We're in the doctor's office. Vital stats: 12 pounds, 13.5 ounces. 25 inches long. All looks good there. Doctor prescribes a cream for Jack's head. At 1 p.m. I head home with Jack.
And that was just three hours! Things slowed down then, Jack took a good long nap, and Amy came home just before his 4 p.m. feeding.
Before we continue, let me take you to last night. I come home from work, Jack's on his blanket having tummy time. Amy's making some mac and cheese. I look at Jack, he's wiggling around on his belly. I look at Amy to talk to her. I look back at Jack, he's on his back! Huh????
Seems Jack rolled over for the first time, and we missed it. We had a feeling this was coming soon, and sure enough, it did. Attempts to repeat the act were unsuccessful Monday night.
Back to Tuesday. We're having tummy time again, and this time, we're ready for it. Sure enough, he did it again. I grabbed the video camera and captured the action. See the above post for the footage.
So we have a mobile baby now it seems. Things could start to get really interesting around here.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
coldest day of the year
when we woke up this morning the thermometer said ZERO!!! we decided to try on the outfit that dave's mom made for jack! 

i woke phil up (bad mama) at 8:00 just to see how cute jack looked in this little outfit! jack had a weird day with naps yesterday, as in he barely took any - so when he went down for a nap at 6:30 pm he thought it was nighttime and never woke up - finally at 8:30 phil and i decided to wake him up just to feed him and put him back to bed, otherwise he would never have made it all night long! he was SUCH a tired boy when we were changing and feeding him. but he slept til 6 and phil got up with him and put him back to sleep - i had to wake him up at 7:15 to eat! he is doing a lot better with his nighttime sleep and we are working on the naps!
i bought jack some new baby einstein toys yesterday - these colorful squares with different textures and pictures on each side. he is a little young for them still but liked to hold them and look at the bright colors!

i bought jack some new baby einstein toys yesterday - these colorful squares with different textures and pictures on each side. he is a little young for them still but liked to hold them and look at the bright colors!
tummy time
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