Dad loves to play Xbox, and since Jack came along, his time playing has been drastically cut. Not that I'm complaining, I love taking care of Jack. However on Monday, I figured out I could combine the two.

While he may not look too excited, Jack had a blast watching me play Gears of War. My friends, those on the other end of the headset you see me wearing, got a kick out of hearing Jack while we were playing. Jack's mama, on the other hand, was none too thrilled with the chainsaw weapon on the game, and has vowed Jack will never play that game. At least not until he's older. Her reactions ranged from "gross" to "ohmigosh what is that" to "that is horrible". Ain't video games great?
Before everyone freaks out, don't worry, when he's old enough to understand what's on the TV screen I won't play these types of games while he's watching. Just when he's in bed.
Here's a couple new pics and a couple new Jack info bits for this December 5.

Jack went 5.5 hours between feedings Saturday night, quite amazing we thought. Of course we woke at the normal time he would get up and then kept commenting on how long he was sleeping, rendering the extra hours nearly useless for sleep.

To make sure we didn't get too comfortable with his new longer sleep pattern, he was up pretty much from 1 a.m. until 7:30 a.m. Tuesday morning, with a few short naps in between. I think that's him laughing at us above.

Also of note, Jack has taken to his play gym pretty well, smiling at the elephant that pulls down off the arch. He's smiling quite a bit lately, although mostly at other people and inanimate objects and not so much at mom and dad. Kid's a wise guy already. He also a growing wise guy, as we've had to retire at least three outfits and a couple more are on the border, and he's wearing a couple 3-6 month outfits already.

Finally, for those in the Lozen clan, doesn't Jack look like a young Kyle in the above picture? I sure think so.