Dad discovered this weekend that he can now lift Jack up and his head won't fall off of his neck! Jack can hold his little head up really good all by himself now - but only for a few minutes and then he gets tired....

We also discovered that he likes to stand up straight on his legs - he is doing so many new things it is hard to keep track.

Jack had his 2 month doctor visit on Friday - he is growing so fast! He weighs 11 lbs, 13.5 oz and is 24 inches long.

He had to get his first set of shots - which mama was not excited about. I felt so bad as we sat there in the office playing with him and watching him smile and talk - he had no idea what was coming. ): I had to go to the waiting room and let Phil hold him for shots - I could still hear him screaming out there at which point I did end up going in at the very end but they were all done. Jack did great - he cried most of the way home (so did I) but after that was smiling and acting normal. I am definitely not looking forward to the next round of shots at 4 months....

On Saturday we went to Grandmas and Papa's house and Jack got to see both sets of grandparents -we are so blessed to have so many people who love our little boy so much! Of course he was great as usual - he is taking naps really well at other peoples houses which makes him really portable....who knows how long that will last....

Jack loves his swing, and every time we put him in it he looks up at the mirror and the birds - it is so cute! Jack is such a good baby and we love him so so so so much!
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