Couple new things Jack has been up to lately. He's now taking his last feeding about 8 p.m. and not eating again until getting up at like 6:45 or so the next morning. Mom loves the extra sleep she is getting, but it's hard for me sometimes because by the time I get home from work at 6, I hardly get any time to see him.
He's also smiling a TON now. Nothing makes my day more than coming home from work, seeing him on the living room floor and getting a big grin from him when he sees me. I mean seriously, have you seen a cuter kid than this one?

He's outgrown the first outfit he ever wore, his Piston's one, so we're on to the next hometown team and all ready for spring training.

His other trick now is when he sleeps, he puts his hands behind his head. Almost anytime we peek at him sleeping, he looks like this. I think he might be trying to flex his guns.

Anyhow, he's doing great. One downer, Amy is treating for thrush, which is an infection somewhat common with breastfeeding. It causes some pain for her, and the treatment involves both treating herself and giving Jack a solution after every feeding. He's not too fond of the medicine so it usually ends up on a burp cloth, which is fine because the goal of it is just to coat his mouth. So, any prayers for that would be more than welcome.
Also, for those of you who remember our friend's baby Grant, he's back at UM as of today with some heart issues, congestion, etc. Haven't heard any next steps since they've been there other than they are trying to rule out certain infections. They could use your prayers as well.
Hope everyone had a great holiday season.
1 comment:
The top shot is a great smile!
Cool and trendy looking lad!
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