So the whole birth story is yet to come. It was long, Amy worked her butt off and I couldn't have been more proud of her. I'll post that story in the coming days once we're home.
For now, it's 11 p.m. Friday, I just got home for the last night without Jack and Amy so I'll talk a bit about the first couple days and post some more pics.
First of all, Amy has been absolutely AMAZING through everything! Labor, birth, feeding. She is truly an amazing woman and I could not be luckier that God blessed me with her. Keep praying that nursing continues to go well, that's our biggest prayer request.
Thursday Jack got to meet grandma and grandpa on both sides, Aunt Yvonne, and some of the VanBemmelens, who are like family to Amy and I (some of you may remember we lived with them while building our house). Jack started nursing like a champ! He's doing so great, on his first real feed he went for more than 15 minutes and he's gone more than 20 on every one since.
Amy got some sleep, as did I thanks to my wonderful wife who kicked me out of the hospital in the afternoon to go home and get a nap. She had to call and wake me 4 hours later. Amy then got some sleep last night between feedings, which was great for her.
He's been a bit spitty in his first couple days, which has made feeding a bit more challenging and given us a few good scares when he's gagged and spit up in his bassinet.
Today we had visits from a few close friends, including the three amazing women that helped us during the labor (more on that with the birth story). I changed my first diapers, honed my swaddling technique, learned how to burp him and basically just hung out with Jack and Amy all day, it was great. We had time to ourselves as a family and then a few visits to break things up.
The hospital staff has been amazing, always there for us and so nice. Jack's in great hands when he's in the nursery. Right now Amy is hopefully sleeping (on her belly, women that have had babies can understand how excited she was to do that) while Jack hangs with his friends in the nursery.
So, that's basically it for now. Here's some pics from his second day. Our favorite pic so far will hve to wait until I can get to my computer with Photoshop so I can crop it properly.

Everybody here at work thinks he's adorable. I've been showing all his pictures, and bragging on him since I got here tonite! Can;t wait til I can come visit him at home and see him with his eyes open. love, aunt barney
Today was trick-or-treat day at Domino's. Zoe and I were waiting for Phil and Jack to show up.
Oh well. Maybe next year.
I am so glad that things are going well. He is beautiful. I have been dying to call and talk with Amy, but I am trying to give her rest...I remember the days.
Oh yes, and does it ever feel great to lay on your belly after 9 months.
I'm so glad to hear that nursing is going well! What a blessing! Can't wait to hear about you all being home together.
Hi Guys! Kirstin here! I am SO excited for you!!!! Jack is beautiful! Looks JUST like his Daddy! Amy, congrats on a job well done. Mom told me it was a rough labor! I am so excited for the life you two are now going to get to experience. I know with Zac all I could think about when I looked at him was God. Praise be! May He keep the blessings coming your way!!! CONGRATS!! Keep the blogs coming!
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