As you can imagine, things have been a bit busy around the house lately, explaining the couple days between posts. It's been a busy couple of days. The first night was a bit difficult. I way underestimated the amount of work it would be and neglected to get any rest during the day Saturday. He was at his most active around 3 a.m., just like when he was in the womb.
We made it through, though, and learned a great lesson: sleep all day, whenever you can!
Sunday grandma and pappa Lozen came down for a visit. They were a great help. Amy and I both got to nap during the day, grandma made some yummy chicken and dumplings and helped give Jack his first bath.

Amy did great, and he got all cleaned up. She's feeling better and is moving around more day by day. Of course moments after his bath, he filled his diaper completely. His timing is already impeccable.

After his bath, mom and Jack had some bonding time.

Then pappa got to fill him in on the finer points of nap-taking, since pappa had just practiced for about 45 minutes in the recliner.
Then on Monday, Jack went out for his first trip - to the doctor's office. All tests checked out just fine, he was up four ounces from when he left the hospital and has a slight rash, but that's about it.

Jack also took his first trip in his swing this weekend. Luckily the Lions weren't on so he doesn't have to suffer through that until next weekend. The next couple days should be just us hanging out at home and getting used to being a family.
1 comment:
Phil and Amy,
Wow, what a beautiful family you have. I am so happy for both of you, and can't wait to meet little Jackson. Love the middle name too! I am soooo curious about the birth story. Justin and I are coming to Ann Arbor the weekend of November 11. We would love to stop by and visit for an hour or so. I will call to set something up soon. Until then, good luck, and you will be in my prayers!
Love all of you........Jamie
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