Mom and dad took Jack to Target and we got all our holiday decorations in order. That afternoon dad decorated the outside of the house (man did the memories of decorating our house on Terra Bella come flying back standing on that ladder, putting hooks on the gutters). Meanwhile, mom started unpacking and putting things together inside the house. Soon enough we got the tree up and all decorated.

Happy Thanksgiving! We all piled into the car and headed to Grand Rapids to hang out with Amy's family for Thanksgiving. We had a great meal at her aunt's house, and Jack got to hang out with his grandpa and gigi.

Jack was awesome the whole day, never fussed with anyone who held him and then slept the whole way home.
Friday and Saturday
We headed back to Target to return some things and pick up some other things and finished up the decorating. Mom's friend Ronni came over to watch Alias, and dad went to Jesse's to play FIFA '07 on the 360.

Papa and grandma came over on their way to the airport (they're now in St. Thomas) and then Jack went to his friend Elle's birthday party.
Dad was off on Monday, too, and Jack had his latest doctor's appointment. He's now nine pounds 11 ounces and 22-plus inches long. Doctor said both numbers were better than he thought they would be, so we were happy to hear that. Mom was not, however, happy to hear that the next appointment meant shots.
So much has changed in just the time dad was home. I submit for your consideration:
- He now goes down for naps after feedings in his crib.
- He has smiled a couple times. Maybe not on purpose, but they were smiles.
- He takes a bottle now, and mom was happy to get more than three hours of sleep in a row for the first time.
- He went five hours between feedings for the first time, only once, but it was encouraging nonetheless.
- He seems to be going through a growth spurt, he's eating like a maniac the last three days.
- The number of poopy diapers steadily decreasing
- Him smiling on purpose
- His night-time sleep patterns getting longer
Only 26 shopping days left until Christmas!