Amazingly, a week has gone by. We've learned so much about Jack in that time, and it seems every time he does something, we just stare at him amazed at how much we can love him. My friend John had a great way to describe our love for our children, saying "The way we feel about our kids is the closest thing on earth to describe how God feels about us."
Basically, when our kids hurt, so do we, when they do well, we swell with pride. The same can be said for God's feelings toward us as His children. Don't think John could be more right.
Now that the week is through, it means it's time for dad to go back to work. I'm NOT looking forward to having to leave him tomorrow. I'm going to miss him so much. No more afternoons spent doing this, at least until the weekends.

Just in case you were hoping for some new Jack pics, here you go (and really, who can have too many Jack pics?)

Happy Halloween!

Jack has taken to his swing pretty well.

And we've realized the ottoman is a good baby holder. Check out that nice, tight swaddle, way to go dad.
phil - i used to work with CJ, amy, and amy wilson (i worked for one of their clients), and i have to say, i love your blog for jack. i'm a big fan of jack's, and i told amy i am a big fan of yours, too! congratulations!
You guys, he is just so cute. I remember being nervous for Kurt to go back to work. It was so nice to have that special time with all of us together and for it to come to an end was hard for me and for him. But, you will get back into the swing of things and a new schedule and routine will be born :D.
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