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jack's mama
hi everyone - i figured it was about time to make an appearance on jack's blog. wow, so much to say about being jack's mama, i suppose i'll keep all the really long rambling to my own blog (appropriately titled 'ramble') and say that being jack's mom is amazing - i just love him so so so much and he is so precious and this amazing gift from god....even though it is really hard and we are tired and sometimes nervous it is a really wonderful experience. i had a friend tell me to really cherish these newborn moments, even through the sleep deprivation and the craziness, and i am trying to do that. like when he cuddles up on me after eating and falls asleep making cute little noises, when he is eating and grabbing my finger with his little hands, when he makes all kinds of cute expressions and faces in his sleep, his little gasping noises, the way he is so strong and holds his little neck up for like 10 seconds and then smashes his face back against my shoulder....the face he makes when we are holding him up to burp, the way he stretches his whole little body out to wake up.....all his cute picture poses, outfits, hats, blankets, and baby things! even being up in the middle of the night - boiling pump parts, watching espn fishing channel and peeking at him every 2 seconds to see if he was ok - even that seems like a good memory...
i got out for the first time last week after being in the house for over 7 days with him, and it was crazy to realize that the world just keeps on turning even though we are here in the house wrapped up in this little bundle. we have been so blessed by everyone - people bringing us meals every other day through december, tons of friends and family stopping by to see jack, lots of calls, emails, flowers, gifts, and people running errands for us. grandma coming overnight a few times to give us a break, friends coming over just to let me sleep for a few hours or fold laundry or empty the dishwasher - we have been so amazingly blessed with everything in our life, and this baby experience is no exception. phil has been absolutely the most wonderful dad to jack and husband to me during this stressful time - he gets up with me almost every time at night, changes more diapers than i do, encourages me and prays for me and with me all the time - he is so in love with jack and i think we are making a pretty good parenting team so far - i am SOOOOOOOOOOO lucky to have him and so is jack!!!
what would a post from mama be without a few pictures???
phil and i laughed so hard when i put this hat on him - he is at a stage right now where none of his hats fit him! this hat was made by grandma lozen's friend jo - but it is still a little too big for him!
we put jack in his first pair of pants - he looked so cute!
jack had his second playdate with billy pipkorn today, and also met caitlin (his future wife) for the first time today! we knew it was love when caitlin picked up the xbox controller and turned it on all by herself - they were made for each other! pictures of her eating the controller forthcoming!!!! (:
one more little story - it is clear dad should do most of the posting since mama tends to go on and on and on - this morning before 8:00 am we had an emergency bath (due to a major bathroom accident which resulted in us having to pull the poopcovered onesie over his head for the first time), vaccumed the whole house (to keep jack occupied until we were done cleaning up, he loves the vacuum, he may look like phil but he loves vacuuming like me) and did a whole load of laundry- jack likes to make the mornings interesting and likes his daddy to be late for work!
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